Container Garden Planter for 5 Gallon Buckets PDF


Downloadable PDF step-by-step woodworking plan with cut list, shopping list, and detailed assembly diagrams for the Container Garden Plater.  Upon purchase, you’ll be emailed a download link for the PDF.  If you don’t see the email, check your junk or spam folders first before reaching out!


Detailed step by step woodworking plan for a Container Garden Planter, designed to hold 4 five-gallon buckets.  Purchase this conveniently formatted plan so you can download and print or view on a mobile device in your workshop.  The plan includes:

  • Full color detailed PDF
  • One page wood/hardware/tools list to print out and take to the store
  • Detailed visual “cut diagram” with measurements
  • Detailed step-by-step assembly schematic (with measurements) including instructions.


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