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My 2017 Reading List

The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill: Visions of Glory, 1874-1932 by William Manchester – Sometimes while reading Manchester, I’m wondering if I bit off a bit more than I can chew; other times I can’t put it down.  I don’t think Churchill took a breath that Manchester didn’t capture, but the result is one of the most fascinating profiles of one of the most interesting men in history, plus plenty of history and commentary on Victorian and post-Victorian culture and politics (yes, and the more things change, the more they stay the same).  Don’t think for a second that todays politics are any worse than they have been in the past!

Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacson – Part of the magic of Isaacson’s biographies is that they are so immersive I really feel like I got to know Albert Einstein.  While some of Einstein’s science was just outside my intellectual grasp, Isaacson did a commendable job of bringing it as close to the level of understandability as anyone.  But where he really shines is in the portrait of the human being that we revere as Einstein.  I really felt a loss when the book ended, like I had to say goodbye to a new friend.

Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull




Foundation by Isaac Asimov – Ok, if you’ve never read any science fiction, start here!  Absolutely masterful!  And now I see strains of Asimov in every sci-fi movie and story I’ve ever loved.  No so much sci-fi as an epic tale about empire building.  While I’ve never been a big science fiction reader, I can’t believe I didn’t know these stories.  Devoured them.


Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov – Ditto.




Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov – Ditto.




Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life by William Finnegan – My summer beach reading.  The kind of life I’m glad I didn’t live, but fascinated to read about!




Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic by Sam Quinones




The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien – What can I say that hasn’t been said?  I think this is my 3rd go around with The Lord of the Rings trilogy.  As good this time as the very first time.



The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien




The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien




The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do by Charles Duhigg – I’d seen this book all over every airport bookstore for a year or more and have wanted to read it ever since Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow.  I’m really fascinated by all of the behavioral research based on brain science and Duhigg’s book takes research to a really practical level.  This was a fantastic read.  I’ll probably pick it up again in a year.


Meditations by Marcus Aurelius – The amazing thing about Meditations is that the historical references, science and technology notwithstanding, this could very well be a contemporary self-help book.  I was constantly reminded that people haven’t really changed that much throughout the ages even though the canvas of culture has.


Relentless Strike: The Secret History of Joint Special Operations Command by Sean Naylor- It’s been a few years since I’ve been into military books.  After Black Hawk Down came out, I went through a military phase and read several books about a few of the elite covert ops units, but Relentless Strike kind of brings the timeline together from the botched Iran hostage operation (Eagle Claw) in the late ’70s and how that sparked the Joint Special Operations Command.  If you’re into special ops, this is foundational reading and provides the scaffolding to build on with mission specific books.

Talking to Humans: Success starts with understanding your customers by Giff Constable – What a novel idea, particularly if you’re a startup organization trying to find that profitable, sustainable market!



In the cause of architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright: Essays – I’m not necessarily recommending this book.  It’s a beast.  But if you want to understand the thought process of Frank Lloyd Wright, then go to the source.  Massive, weighty, erudite, difficult to understand and, in some cases, to follow.  Only for folks with a hardcore interest in architecture and the master.

Content Marketing Create Learn

How to Embed Interactive Calculations in Adobe PDF Documents

So I’m the poster child for writing niche content these days!  Here’s another one for those of you who want to put interactive calculators in your PDF documents, but need some more advanced functionality than basic arithmetic functions.  Like, who would read this stuff anyway??

Create Learn Woodworking

SketchUp: My Most Valuable Woodworking Tool!

Sketchup Lesson

One of the most valuable tools I have isn’t a woodworking tool at all.  It’s software & it’s indispensable when I’m building a woodworking project!  I’m of course talking about SketchUp, the 3D modeling program that’s available for free.

Blogging Content Marketing Create Learn Starting a Business Web Development

How I Built the World’s Worst Website and Still Made $1,500


You’ve got to be kidding right?  Why would anyone want to read about this?  I mean, last month alone, Pat Flynn made almost $120,000 so who cares about a measly $1,500?  Most people think that ‘www’ stand for World Wide Web, but I have a special URL where it stand for World’s Worst Website.  Here’s the start of my story.

Create Learn Marketing

How to Create a Brochure in InDesign

I just uploaded a video tutorial series on YouTube on how to create a brochure in InDesign.  For this series, I’m taking a brochure Beth created in Pages and I’m re-creating as a lesson in using InDesign.  I find tutorials creating something “real world” to be more helpful than a generic lesson and I’ve tried to explain each of the steps as well as the features of InDesign that I used.  For those of you already very familiar with InDesign, this will probably be more basic that you need.  My target audience here are folks who are generally working in Word or in Pages and want to move to InDesign where there’s more flexibility than the basic word processors allow. 

Create Home Improvement Learn Woodworking

How to Build a Kendal Extra Wide Dresser: A Complete DIY Plan

I’ve been wanting to build a dresser for some time now and finally decided to take the plunge.  After searching for a long time to find one I like, I settled on a modified version of Ana White’s Kendal Extra Wide Dresser.  This has an overall clean design and I like the way the drawers are inset into the frame & Ana did a great job with the design.

Blogging Content Marketing Create HTML Email Learn Web Development

How to Move a WordPress Website to a New Hosting Provider in 4 Easy Steps

I’ve recently decided, after several years at another hosting provider, to move this website to Bluehost.  I’ve hosted a number of websites at Bluehost for various purposes, but just never got around to actually moving my personal blog until now.  This post will walk you through the 4 steps to move your site!

Home Improvement Learn

Help! My LG Dishwasher LDF6920ST Is Leaking Water

My LG dishwasher has been leaking water out of the door, leaving a puddle on the floor and threatening to do some serious damage to the hardwoods underneath!  After searching on the internet and finding a number of other folks that have the same problem and solutions that all seemed to point to having to buy a new door for it, I decided to do a little reverse engineering and see if I could figure out what was going on.   The other common answer for the leaking problem (with the common response being that it doesn’t fix the problem) is a new door gasket.  The good news is that I solved my problem for less than $40 using just a phillips screwdriver in about 20 minutes (once I had the part).  I hope my solution might help you too.

Create Learn Work

Two Excel Tutorials

I’ve been meaning to get a couple Excel tutorials up here since I’ve been getting so many questions about how to manipulate and analyze data in Excel.  Here are two videos that review using filters and pivot tables in Excel 2010.

Eat Learn

How to Make A Perfect Café Latte at Home

I love a good café latte, but I’ve been going broke paying $3 and $4 a pop every time I go to the local coffee shop, and that’s just for a tall!  So I decided to try and figure out how to make the perfect café latte at home.  I’ve tried in the past to make my own (since I’m a die hard do-it-yourselfer), but I could never seem to get the system down to make a really smooth latte at home.  They were ok, but tended to be a little bitter and just didn’t have the same verve as the ones from the local coffee shop.  There had to be more to it than money!